Our research explores digital accessibility with focus on novel and assistive technologies that can be leveraged by disabled people to participate in society and lead self-determined lives. From a technical perspective, the research focus lies on interactive systems that are closely intertwined with users’ bodies, ranging from sensor-based wearable systems to immersive experiences such as digital games and VR. We employ participatory and experience-centered methods in system design, and have expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methods that we apply in user studies that take place in lab and field settings. Our research is carried out in the context of externally funded projects and as part of student research projects. For more details, please also refer to our most recent publications.
Technology and Disability
We design, implement, evaluate, and critically reflect on interactive and body-based technology in the context of disability. Ongoing projects in this area range from the development of accessible Virtual Reality to theory-driven and evidence-based development of interactive technology to support physical therapy among children, the critical examination and design of wearable systems that can be leveraged by disabled people in the context of sport and leisure, and the exploration of assistive robotics in real-world scenarios.
Games Research
We are interested in digital games as an opportunity to engage broad audiences in play. In particular, our work focuses on game accessibility and the potential of games to contribute to inclusion, and we examine how game design can support enriching player experiences. Ongoing projects in this area explore applied gaming to reduce stigma in sensitive settings, addressing disengagement as a part of play, and game design strategies to enhance player competence.