Barriers in VR
Contact: Dmitry Alexandrovsky
Click here to sign up for the study
Purpose(s) and Objective(s) of the Research: Today, Virtual Reality (VR) has become a valuable tool to simulate a variety of experiences. In this work, we highlight barriers that hinder people to navigate safely and comfortable in public spaces. By putting the users’ attention on the environment rather than on the disability, we aim to promote a reflection what kind of environment they want to live and how they can contribute to a positive change towards equitable participation in society. With this study we aim to expand the understanding of how VR technology can promote positive attitudes disability and help shaping the design of considerate technology that is capable in yielding reflection and awareness.
Procedures: In this study, you will be asked to navigate through an environment in VR and fill out questionnaires about your experience. Finally, the experimenter will conduct a short interview.
This study will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and is reimbursed with 10 €.
Place: KIT InformatiKOM 2 (50.28) Adenauerring 10 76131 | 2nd floor room 217. Google Maps Link.
Potential Risks and Benefits: There are no known or anticipated risks to you by participating in this research. Your participation will help us to design VR simulations that are capable of promoting reflection.
- Your participation is voluntary. You may withdraw from the research project for any reason, at any time without explanation.
- Should you wish to withdraw, you may do so at any point, and we will not use your data; we will destroy all records of your data.
- Your right to withdraw data from the study will apply until the data have been aggregated (one week after study completion). After this date, it is possible that some form of research dissemination will have already occurred and it may not be possible to withdraw your data
Right to Withdraw:
- Your participation is voluntary. You may withdraw from the research project for any reason, at any time without explanation.
- Should you wish to withdraw, you may do so at any point, and we will not use your data; we will destroy all records of your data.
- Your right to withdraw data from the study will apply until the data have been aggregated (one week after study completion). After this date, it is possible that some form of research dissemination will have already occurred and it may not be possible to withdraw your data
Follow up: To obtain results from the study, please contact Dmitry Alexandrovsky (dmitry.alexandrovsky∂
Interested? Click here to sign up for the study