One-Handed Virtual Reality Interactions

  • Forschungsthema:One-Handed Virtual Reality Interactions
  • Typ:B.Sc./M.Sc.
  • Betreuung:


One-Handed Virtual Reality Interactions

Topic Description

Virtual reality (VR) systems allow users to dive into and interact with virtual worlds. For this, VR systems mostly utilize handheld controllers with buttons or joysticks. To use an extended set of degrees of freedom, applications often require bimanual input, i.e., of both controllers. For example, in many social applications, the left controller may be used for navigation while the right controller mediates interactions with virtual objects. However, bimanual input is not feasible for everyone, and the community has suggested strategies such as assistance through customization or mode toggling that could enable a full interaction spectrum for non-time critical VR.


With this thesis, you will address open questions regarding one-handed methods for VR interactions. Your outcome should include the hardware design and implementation of different approaches to support one-handed interactions in VR and a small-scale evaluation study. You will implement your ideas in Unity and work with the Meta Quest 3 or Pico 4 VR systems.


Further reading:


Task Summary
  1. Related Work: Acquire a basic understanding of uni- and bimanual VR interactions and community guidelines for one-handed interactions in VR.
  2. Prototype Implementation: Implement different approaches through hardware design.
  3. Evaluation: Evaluate your work with a small-scale study.
  4. Discussion: Discuss the challenges and opportunities of one-handed VR interactions.




  • Programming experience
  • Hardware prototyping



  • C#
  • Unity
  • VR Development



Marvin Wolf
